Saturday, April 18, 2015

Housing Update

We now have a place to stay in Mississippi! God has provided a small house for Priska and I to rent for the summer. We will also be able to host some of the Dallas interns when they come to visit part way through the summer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Prayer Support Letter

Dear friends,

I hope this letter finds you well! Things are going well for me here in Dallas, but at this point in the DTS (Dallas Theological Seminary) semester, things are hectic and it is a struggle at times to complete everything that is due. I often take refuge in Jesus’ call, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” God is graciously, patiently teaching me to find rest in Him, and I pray that you are finding peace in Him as well.

I have two specific purposes for writing to you today. First, I wish to tell you about some exciting summer plans and ask for your prayer support as I prepare. And second, I would like to give you a brief update about the wonderful things God has given me here in Dallas, so that you may share in my joy. I’ve wanted to write an update for a while now, but it took a deadline to actually get me to do it. :)

Summer Plans

Because I’m nearing the end of my time with DTS, I’m evaluating ministry options and possible partner organizations for the future. I’ve long been interested in the Bible translation/church planting process and I have been considering going overseas with Wycliffe Bible Translators. In order to gain a better understanding of that missions organization, I started investigating their overseas summer internships. However, I was then offered a unique opportunity to work with a Bible translation team here in the States, serving under both Wycliffe and the Choctaw Bible Translation Committee in Philadelphia, MS. So, I will be spending most of the summer with the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, interacting with people, learning their culture, and assisting the Bible translation team in whatever way needed. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this Bible translation effort, and I’m excited to see how God uses this internship to challenge me in new ways!

The first two weeks of the internship (May 31st – June 12th) will consist of introductory trainings in linguistics/Bible translation as well as using the arts in missions. One other young woman, Priska, will be joining me for this internship, so these first two weeks will also give us a chance to get to know each other and interact with the other team of interns who will be staying in Dallas (and who are planning to visit the Choctaw site later in the summer). On or around the 13th of June, Priska and I will be moving to Mississippi, where we will begin serving with the Choctaw Bible Translation Committee (CBTC). The details of what we will be doing are somewhat fluid at this point, but I hope to have more information to share as time goes by. The internship will continue through the first week of August, so my full internship dates will be May 31st through August 7th, 2015.

Because serving in another community/culture is always challenging, I am in great need of your support. Will you pray for me now as I prepare for the internship and finish out this semester of classes, and later as I begin to work with the Wycliffe and CBTC members? I am honored to have this chance to learn about Choctaw culture and work with the CBTC, and I would love to have you come alongside me in this endeavor! May God be glorified in every part of it!

(As this is not a paid internship, I do need to raise financial support. So if you would like to be a part of this ministry in that way as well, I would certainly welcome your financial partnership. Please see the sidebar to the right regarding that need.)

And on to my second reason for writing....

General Update About Life in Dallas

This is my fourth semester of DTS classes in Dallas and it has seemed to be an exceptionally busy time. Yet, in the midst of the busy-ness, God has provided me with many chances to slow down and really enjoy time with people. Here are some highlights from this semester:
  • Every so often, Bethany (my apartment-mate) and I make time to go to a nearby lake or nature preserve to find some greenness and get (slightly) away from the city. I’m thankful to have such a fun hiking buddy!

  •  Matt Snyder (one of my lifelong friends from Florida who moved here the same time I did) has been hosting game/hangout nights every Friday, which many of us look to as the high point of every week. The crowd is different from week to week, but Matt, our friend, Jacob, and I form the core of our group. I so appreciate their friendship and willingness to talk through all sorts of things. We never run out of fun games or challenging conversation.

  •  For spring break, I was able to go home to Florida to see my family, which was wonderful! We went camping for several days at Alexander Springs, where we were able to go canoeing/kayaking, swimming, and hiking. That time in the woods was so good for my soul! After that, I flew to Missouri, where I spent a few days with Bethany, visiting her family and getting to see her hometown, Columbia. At the end of the break, we drove back down to Dallas together, enjoying the scenery and counting hawks along the way. :)

  • Also, on Easter Sunday, Bethany and I had over a dozen people come to our apartment for a potluck dinner. We had several friends from China and Thailand join us, which brought an international flair that I absolutely loved. :) We ate, talked, decorated eggs, and played games. It was a wonderful time of enjoying each other and celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

So, while my classes are great, I must say that I am particularly thankful for the people that God has placed in my life. I have so enjoyed having a small group of good friends who love the Lord and love each other. Together, we have a chance to put into practice what we are learning in class, and discuss the areas that challenge us the most. Over the past few semesters, I have learned to have a deep appreciation for how God has made us to live and thrive in community, needing strong relationships both with Him and with other people. Thank you for being a part of my community, even from afar! I greatly appreciate your prayers and support.

As this semester comes to a close and as I prepare for this summer, I am looking forward to having new opportunities for ministry alongside Choctaw believers in their community. If you would like to receive regular updates before and during the summer, please send me an email and I’ll be sure to add you to my list. My email address is

Also, if you do send a message my way, I’d love to hear how you are doing and learn how I can be praying for you as well.

With love,

Hannah Rigel