Sunday, May 31, 2015

And So it Begins!

Internship training begins today! All of the Dallas and Choctaw site interns will be gathering at the Wycliffe center in Dallas for the next two weeks. The first week will involve an introduction to Wycliffe and their work in translation and linguistics ( The second week will involve learning how to engage in cultural arts, especially in ways that will help to meet peoples’ spiritual, social, and physical needs (

Please pray for all of the interns as we begin this time of training. For my part, I am starting this process already somewhat exhausted from moving to a new apartment last Tuesday, although I am praising God for the smoothness of the moving process and I’m very thankful to have a new place! Nevertheless, please pray with me that God will renew my energy—and I’m sure some of the other interns and Wycliffe personnel could use prayer for strength and energy as well. :)

Last year, when I was planning for this summer, I had very different ideas of what I would be doing. But God graciously led me to this internship with Wycliffe and I am so thankful for His faithfulness. I am also incredibly thankful for your support in this ministry opportunity! May God be praised for what He is doing in each of our lives.

I pray that each of you are doing well and look forward to being able to share more about what God is doing among the interns at Wycliffe and among the Choctaw people this summer.

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