Monday, July 6, 2015

4th of July Fun

This weekend we got to have some fun with Laura Christel her family! They had driven up from Jackson to spend the weekend working in the CBTC office, so we got to help out and enjoy the time with them as well. On Saturday, the 4th, we worked with Laura Christel to help organize a bunch of stuff in the office, while her husband, Cal, worked on running wires for new office computers. And in between all of that, we got to play with their little guys, Kinsley and Rio, who are a lot of fun!

Priska was letting Kinsley play a game on her iPod, and of course
Rio wanted to be a part of that too. :)
(Photo by Laura Christel.)

For dinner, we had some excellent ribs that Cal cooked, as well as a bunch of other yummy stuff that Laura Christel had brought. We enjoyed the food and fellowship before the Horlings headed back to Jackson that evening.

Rio and I hanging out after dinner. :)
(Photo by Laura Christel.)

After they left, Priska and I stuck around to watch the fireworks at the nearby casinos. We had a great view from the office!

The Golden Moon Casino and fireworks.

I've been so thankful for Laura Christel's efforts with the CBTC, and for all the time Cal puts into helping with the office computer system and assorted other projects, as needed. They are instrumental in the work that God is doing here, and this internship process would not be the same without them either! Despite having to make the long drive from Jackson to Philadelphia, Laura has willingly spent many hours working alongside Priska and I, teaching us how to make recordings and complete projects, discussing Choctaw culture and the work of Bible translation, and encouraging us in our work. The Horlings have welcomed us right from the start of the summer and we have really enjoyed spending time with them!

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