Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week #4 - Dallas Intern Visit

L to R: Ryan, Andrew, Victoria
Dayton, Emery, me, Priska
During fair week, we also had the interns from Wycliffe's Dallas site come to visit us and help out at the CBTC booth. They arrived on the evening of Thursday, July 9, 2015, and we all got together for dinner. We hadn’t really talked with some of them since the first week of the internship process (when we were all in the TOTAL it Up program), so it was fun to catch up with them and hear what they had been working on in Dallas.
On the busiest fair days, Friday and Saturday, the Dallas interns took shifts at the booth, adding extra hands and fun conversation to help pass the long hours. :) They also assisted with the teardown/cleanup process, which was a significant help!

Priska and I at the Nanih Waiya mound.
When they weren’t busy at the fair, they got to visit the Chahta Immi cultural center to learn more about some aspects of Choctaw culture, many of which were being displayed at the fair. Priska and I also got to take them to the Nanih Waiya mound and cave area, ending the enjoyable morning adventure with a picnic lunch. 
Priska and I heading out.
On Saturday morning, we all participated in the Rez Run. Most of the interns and our Wycliffe leaders did the 1-mile fun run portion, while a few of us did the 5k (Dayton ran it, and Priska and I walked it). We also saw some of our Choctaw friends along the way. :)
Priska, me, and Dayton after the Rez Run. 

Leonard preaching at Hope Indian Baptist.
Then on Sunday we all got to visit Leonard’s church, Hope Indian Baptist, for the morning service.
At the hymnsing.
After a quick lunch (and song practice...) back at our house, we were off to the afternoon hymnsing at Elijah’s church, Pearl River Baptist. Because it was the day after the fair ended, there was a smaller crowd than normal, but there a number of churches still attended the event. The event began with a short devotional and a hymn or two that we sang all together. Then each church got up and sang a couple hymns. 

Elijah (in blue shirt) directing the
group from his church.
Leonard (far right) with members
from his church.
Pam (in purple shirt) and her son, Ragan
(sitting in front), with their church group. 

Our group at the hymnsing.
Toward the end of the afternoon, we (all the interns) were given the opportunity to sing a couple songs as well. A few weeks earlier, Elijah had asked us if we would be willing to sing, so Priska and I worked with the Dallas interns to come up with a plan. We had practiced Shout to the Lord in English and we had also learned a song in Choctaw to the tune of Amazing Grace. We were able to do pretty
Gathering for the potluck.
well, thanks especially to Priska playing the guitar and Dayton playing the piano! And it seemed like our attempt at singing in Choctaw was appreciated by the crowd—though I think they’re too kind to say otherwise. :)  
Emery and Priska.
Following the hymnsing, we had a potluck meal together, where we got to sit and talk with people from a bunch of the different churches. Overall, it was a really neat experience! 

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