Friday, July 3, 2015

Week #3 in Mississippi

This past week has been busy with getting ready for the Choctaw Indian Fair, which is the CBTC's main opportunity to distribute their materials. We have been going through the CBTC's inventory of printed and audio-visual materials to take stock of what they have and determine how many more items are needed.

(Photo by Priska Lamera.)

Currently available from the CBTC are modern Choctaw translations of some Scripture portions, including some of the gospels (John and Mark) and some Old Testament books (Ruth, Jonah, Amos), among others. The CBTC also provides Choctaw hymnbooks, which are quite popular. In terms of audio-visual materials, the CBTC has produced 4 hymn cds, 1 of children's songs, 1 of christmas songs, an audio version of Jonah, and a dvd of children's Bible stories being read by Chief Anderson. Within the past week, Priska and Elijah have also worked to record the book of Ruth, which we are preparing to sell at the fair as well!

Priska and I with newly printed Ruth cd inserts.
(Photo by Abby Farmer.)

When it came time for us to actually create more copies of the cds/dvds, we went over to one of the Choctaw tribal offices to meet Eddie Johnson, who taught us how to use a cd/dvd duplicator tower. He and his equipment made our job a lot quicker, so we were very thankful for his time and assistance! 

Mid-week mess… :)
(Photo by Priska Lamera.)

Along with updating the CBTC's inventory, we have also been updating the informational inserts that accompany the cds and dvds. It has been neat to hear some of the stories behind previous recordings, and to take part in some current recording/production processes.

The story behind one of the hymn cds.

One of my favorite parts of this past week involved working with Pam and Elijah on the storytelling project from the Arts for a Better Future week. After Pam and Elijah discussed some Choctaw word choices and storytelling preferences, we got to record Pam telling the story of Jesus and the 10 lepers (from Luke 17) in Choctaw. She enjoyed telling it and we enjoyed the chance to listen, despite only understanding a few words here and there. :) We have plans to record others telling Bible stories in Choctaw as well, with the hope of producing a cd at some point this summer.

Pam and Elijah talking through some options.
(Photo by Priska Lamera.)

Getting ready to record.
(Photo by Priska Lamera.)

Discussing the story.
(Photo by Priska Lamera.)

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